“Enter Now For Your Chance To Win A Complete Fitness Program of 5 Prizes Designed To Get You Looking Great For Summer… Over $3,578 In Prizes!”
After You’ve Entered You’ll Want To Help Us Spread The Word & Earn Contest Bonus Points. The More You Help Us Spread The Word… The More Likely It Is You’ll Win!
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Prize Set #1

$47 Retail Value
Accelerate Muscle Growth Without Much Fuss!
Get BIGGER And STRONGER Every Single Week
Learn The Insider Secrets for Building MONSTER Muscle Mass Fast With “Mad Scientist Muscle”
In this book, Nick Nilsson, the “Mad Scientist of Exercise,” will give you the blueprint for muscle-building success. You’ll get SIX two-month programs that utilize the powerful concept of “Controlled Over training”. You’ll learn exactly how to use over training to your advantage to maximize muscle growth and strength gains and avoid plateaus.
You will also learn exactly how to use specific training techniques to literally CHANGE your body’s physiology to better support muscle growth, helping you complete your transformation from “normal” into “BEAST” faster than any other method available.

$47 Retail Value
Lose Weight Fast Without Hunger Pains
Lose Weight With No Calorie Counting
Unwarranted hunger pangs are the hugest setbacks in dieting. This is why supplements and drugs that can curb hunger are very much sought after. The good news is that pesky appetite cravings are very manageable without the use of weight-loss drugs. And, another great news is that you can get the complete information for FREE!!!
Quick and easy solutions to the most common weight loss problems
Being hungry and having cravings, particularly sugar cravings is the reason why many people are loath to diet and if they do, why their attempts at losing weight by dieting usually fail. Losing weight becomes so much easier and the weight falls off so much faster if you have little appetite and have no cravings to give in to. Contrary to what some dieters believe you do not have to eat less food to lose weight but rather change the type of food you are eating. All important information can be found in this 80-page e-book.

$57 Retail Value
You want the truth??!!
Finally, the FACTS about Supplements!
Companies spend millions of dollars each year to make you believe the outrageous claims that these pills will make you instantly lose weight, feel great, look younger but all these are MARKETING TACTICS AND THEY’RE ALL LIES…
That is why it is very important to read The Truth About Supplements before you buy any weight loss supplements or muscle building supplements.
Supplements for weight loss, muscle building and weight training are appropriate for those who wish to lose weight, build up muscle mass quickly, cannot eat five to six meals each day, and are motivated by convenience.

Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 7 Days
Kick-start Your Metabolism and Safely
The power of The Mediterranean Diet for healthy weight loss, fat loss and overall health and wellness is the simple fact that it is a 100% organic, 100% whole food diet that doesn’t rely on caloric restrictions or food group restrictions.
The Mediterranean diet has been verified as reducing the risk of Alzheimers and other types of Dementia through research at the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimers and the Aging Brain at the Medical Centre at Columbia University.
You could be the lucky winner of Mediterranean Diet written by Ray Darken this book offers a variety of tasteful meals and a balance of simple complex carbohydrates, proteins, and non-saturated fats.
Lose up to 10 pounds in 7 days!
Are you seriously interested in losing weight and gaining a brand new and surprising boost in your health and vitality, then this fun maintenance program & guide, will be one of the most important diets you’ll ever learn about! Read these News Flash below…
You can get this book for FREE! All you need to do is spend a minute or two and sign up for our contest!
Sign up now below for a shot at winning this prize

$18.95 Retail Price
Discover The Correct Jogging And Running Techniques
Jogging is a great aerobic activity to strengthen both the mind and the body
Anyone can start jogging regardless of their individual size or physical fitness.
The Mediterranean diet has been verified as reducing the risk of Alzheimers and other types of Dementia through research at the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimers and the Aging Brain at the Medical Centre at Columbia University.
Jogging for beginners can be a daunting task but be prepared for your first run and learn what it takes. This is important because many people start jogging and never make it a habit because the first couple of times were not fun or they hurt too much after the run.
A Fast Start Guide To Jogging and Running
There are several reasons that a runner may fall during a run. And the book “Beginning Jogging and Running” has all the answers and tips on how you can jog and run without falling.
And, Here’s The Catch…You Can Have This For FREE! How? Read On…
Every bit of this eBook is packed with extensive information, jogging tips & techniques which took lots of research, gathering the data and compiling it into this new jogging and running training eBook.
Want to have this book for FREE? Simply click the link below and get the chance to win this book for FREE! PLUS get the chance to win these awesome bonuses:
1. How To Jog – A Fast Start Guide To Jogging
2. Preventing & Treating Shin Splints
3. A List of TOP 40 Running Shoes
Sign up now below for a shot at winning this prize
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Prize Set #2

Transform Your Body (Forever) In 21 Days!
Empowered Nutrition is scientifically proven to deliver powerful proven results, especially when combined with Empowered Training. It is endorsed and even promoted by elite trainers and top fitness magazines, and has been used by thousands of men and women for burning fat, increasing muscle and improving your health and energy at the same time.
You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same
And Forget About Long Slow Boring And Often Times Painful Cardio And Start Incinerating Maximum Fat In Minimum Time With Killer Workouts You Can Do Anywhere In 45 Minutes Or Less…
Start Incinerating Maximum Fat In Minimum Time
With Patrick McGuire’s Revolutionary “Empowered Transformation System” You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With An Empowered Nutrition Strategy And Just A Few Short But Intense Workouts A Week.
My meal plans are the MOST swiped weight loss and muscle building diets on the internet today. These are unique, never before released and ONLY available from me.” Sign up below for your chance to win this prize

In Lose 5 in 7 you’ll not only lose 5 pounds your very 1st week…
You will finally discover how the ‘Power of 3‘ will truly unlock your potential and lead you to achieving the body you want in record time!
And the great news is that you get the chance to get all this information for FREE just by joining our contest!
“As used on MTV!” 2011 Personal Trainer of the Year, Stephen Cabral, is now sharing his private weight loss studio’s award winning fat burning 12-week system. It contains step-by-step directions and day-by-day checklists you can use to allow your body to lose at least 5 pounds in just 7 days!
Plus, for this contest he is also going to give away his “17 Bathing Suit Body Diet.” This is the amazing nutrition plan that gets you in beach body shape in just 17 days! Participants lost over 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks on this exact plan that you’re going to get!
You’re going to get all 8 of Stephen Cabral’s limited time only Special Bonuses!
Bonus #1: The Busy Person’s Workout Guide
Stop spending your time on exercises that just don’t work and start using this formula to get you results fast in the time you have.
Bonus #2: Get Rid of Your Lower Back Pain Forever
Jon Feinman will show you the exact formula needed to get rid of your back pain forever!
Bonus #3: 5 Fat Loss Lies Uncovered!
Read as Steve doesn’t pull any punches and reveals the lies, myths, and otherwise fabricated truths that some media and fitness companies would love you to believe.
Bonus #4: Fat Loss Smoothies
You’ll discover the exact fat loss smoothies that Steve uses to burn fat and increase definition when he is dieting for a photo shoot or wants to look his very best
Bonus #5: Exercise Log
With this easy to understand, and easy to use chart you can easily track your progress and fill in your own custom exercises, sets, reps, and weight.
SURPRISE Bonus #6: 10 Quick & Easy Calories Cutters
Use these quick and easy nutrition tips to cut down on calories throughout the day.
SURPRISE Bonus #7: Hidden Fat Burners
These 3 fat burning intervals have been the difference in helping clients who “have tried everything” before, but still couldn’t lose the weight.

$97 Retail Value
Killer Body Weight Exercises And High-Intensity Cardio
A Complete Guide To Getting Abs
Six Pack Shortcuts was personally designed by an ISSA certified personal trainer, with years of experience training clients in the real world.
Six Pack Shortcuts teaches you everything you need to know about both exercise and nutrition for getting six pack abs.
17 Awesome AB Exercises To Define Your Core
31 different bodyweight exercises in the program, which can be done at home with no equipment. Some of these body weight exercises are EXCELLENT for building muscle mass and strength (even better than exercises requiring complex gym equipment!)

Retail Value $17
Lose Weight and Build Lean Muscle in 21 days
The Single, Most Important Secret That Fitness Magazines, Doctors and Your Personal Trainer Won’t Tell You About Why You’re Not Losing Weight.
Getting in shape is not always an easy task, particularly when working with a busy schedule that limits the amount of time available for actively exercising. But Ben Greenfield can help you achieve you achieve a healthier body.
Yes, it is possible to get in shape fast if you follow the right program. But even with the best training advice on earth there’s one extra thing needed that only you can provide – Commitment! Without the will to actually get out and do something your desire to get in shape fast will fizzle out just as quickly.
How? The secret is all in Ben Greenfield’s Shape21: 2nd edition The Complete 21 Day Lean Body Manual! And you can have this for FREE by simply signing up for the contest! Click the button below to know more how to get the chance to win Ben Greenfield’s Shape21: 2nd edition The Complete 21 Day Lean Body Manual NOW!
Join the Contest and Win thissystem by Ben Greenfield
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Get A Chance To Win A 1 Hour Consultation With Scott White, Arizona’s BEST Personal Trainer!
A proper assessment is essential to the personal training process. Any personal trainer who doesn’t offer an assessment is someone you want to run from, not hire!
As you may or may not know, anyone can become a personal trainer in a matter of a couple hours by obtaining some personal training certifications online. Neither personal training certifications nor personal trainers are regulated by the state or municipalities, making it possible for anyone and their brother to become a personal trainer.
Fortunately for you, Scott White has a degree and tons of certifications — his education and knowledge will get you the best results FAST. In exercise, fitness, and nutrition, there are so many ways to train, work out, and eat that will get you good to great results.

Retail value: $69.97
Boost Your Body pH for Effective Weight Loss and Optimal Health
Effectively Alkalizes Your Body’s pH Levels
Prevention is better than trying to cure. Even if your body tests alkaline you will always need to know which foods are best for your body to stay healthy and to boost your body’s pH levels, especially after weekends, nights out and binge eating.
Good nutrition is crucial in maintaining long term health but an alkaline body is just as important.
Improve Your Acid Alkaline Balance and Overall Health for Effective Weight Loss.
This alkaline diet probably sounds like every other healthy eating plan you’ve read about. But nutritionists and doctors interested in the impact diet has on weight and mood, and on conditions such as chronic fatigue or osteoporosis, are starting to sit up and take note.
Improve Your Alkaline Body and Lose Weight Safely
Take Action and Alkalize Your Body Now to Balance Your Body’s pH Levels if you want to quickly and safely lose weight.
An alkaline diet would be beneficial to all as it appears to help conserve calcium and benefits muscle, heart and bone function. It is also very effective in aiding weight loss.

$39.95 Retail Value
Fitness in Less than 2 Minutes
MyMobileMinute works because it keeps weight-loss and fitness simple.
MyMobileMinute is effective because it works within your current lifestyle … there is never a significant change demanded of you. Instead, MyMobileMinute guides you along a gentle series of small adjustments.
Boost Energy for Hours!
The biology and psychology behind why it works mutually reinforce a positive weight-loss result. A simple 90 seconds of exercise done before eating triggers a “Weight-Loss Domino Effect”. And once you are at your ideal weight, it enables a lifetime of fitness, an athletic build, and the energy that goes with being in-shape – all for the investment of 90 seconds.
MyMobileMinute Does Not Require Any Significant Change of Your Lifestyle

Retail Value $37
Flexible, Goal-Focused Workouts without the Boredom
Proven to Build Muscle Mass and Lose Weight Fast
I know it’s not easy to reach a fitness goal.
I also know that it’s not easy to start over again when you’ve tried before and couldn’t reach your goal.
This Is Your Key To Reach Any Fitness Goal
The fitness industry is REALLY confusing with all the information put out in the media.
But it doesn’t have to be that complicated!
Build YOUR Ideal Body
Achieving our weight loss goals can sometimes seem completely out of reach. Lack of motivation is seldom a problem when we start a new weight loss program. As time passes we tend to forget about our goals.
However, Dynamic Plateau Training can help you lose weight without compromising your health.
I believe that Dynamic Plateau Training is that “right” workout method and it’s not complicated!
Join the Contest now for a Chance to Win The Dynamic Plateau Training Book
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It’s Super Easy… All You Have To Do Is Sign Up & Spread Your Contest Link Online!
Prizes Will Be Awarding Randomly All Throughout the Contest!
From May 1st through May 31st!
To Claim Your Prizes: You must watch your email & claim your prize the day it’s announced. So check your Spam folder, add us to your address book & make sure you’re expecting email from [email protected].
How To Win…
Once You’ve signed up you’ll get a chance to automatically join on Facebook & Twitter.
Just authorize the contest app & begin spreading the word online with your very own contest link. You’ll earn points when you put your contest link ANYWHERE online & get people to click & visit ContestsForHealth.com!
We’ll automatically give you bonus points for a wide variety of actions.
For example: when you post videos on YouTube with your contest link in the video description or you mention the contest on Twitter. You’ll earn points in MANY different ways & here’s the complete list…
- 500 Entries for using the connect with Facebook Contest Burner app below
- 250 Entries for subscribing to our YouTube channel
- 250 Entries for referring someone to ContestsForHealth.com who signs up via your contest link
- 250 Entries for “Like”ing our Facebook page
- 500 entries for posting a YouTube video response
- 500 entries for adding your link below to any YouTube video description ( must be first thing in description)
- 100 entries for posting a comment in the blog on this website
- 10 entries for posting a comment on one of our YouTube videos
- 10 entries for any comment on Facebook with your contest link
- 10 entries for every tweet with your link below
- 1 entry for every time someone clicks on your link below (so share it as much as you can… everywhere you can!)
Earn MASSIVE Bonus Points Just For Reading & Responding To Our Emails Throughout This Entire Week!
The more actions you take to promote the contest… the more chances you have to win! This is a contest of skill because the more active & effective players will get the most entries. Prizes will be randomly selected out of all the entries. So while the contest point leaders will have the greatest odds of winning…
EVERYONE who plays has a chance!
We’ll be awarding prizes twice a week during this contest. You need to return to the website each day to discover who won & claim your prize. If you do not return to the site within 24 hours of the announcement we’ll award your prize to another contestant.
Now, Enter Your Email Address Below & Hit The “Get My Links Button” To Get Started:
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Contest Rules:
We HATE Spam of all kinds. While we encourage you to spread the word far and wide we don’t want you to use spammy tactics of any kind. Here are some of the actions will get you banned from the contest:
- Posting to any social media site through a single account more than 20 times per day
- Sending any kind of automated or junk traffic to your contest links
- Commenting on our blog more than 10 times per day
- Commenting on our YouTube videos more than 10 times per day
- Sending bulk email to people you don’t personally know or you don’t have personal permission to email
We reserve the right to adjust this list, adjust your points or ban you from the contest for using spammy tactics to promote the contest. If you are found to be using any automated means of producing traffic or sign-ups you will be banned immediately. If you are caught signing up under false accounts to inflate your points you will be banned immediately.
No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Contest rules subject to change without notice. See contest rules for more information.
Attention Internet and Health Marketers: Do you have valuable products or services that you’d like to see appearing in a contest & in additional promotions to contestants and buyers? Contact us now to have your products & services featured as a prize.
To become a Sponsor, submit your info at http://www.contestsforhealth.com/sponsorship/